
SIMY® Outdoor: the ultimate safety device

(soon available)

outdoor, simy, cospas sarsat distress beacon, outside activity

Worldwide coverage (by satellite), no subscription required, free rescue service

Simy Outdoor beacons use the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite network, dedicated to search and rescue services. This network is used to detect an alert and locate the distress signal, sent out throughout the world. Once the signal has been received by one of the satellites it is relayed to a rescue centre, regardless of where you are (high seas, high mountain ranges, desert, hiking trails, etc.).

Cospas-Sarsat is a system well-known by experts with dangerous jobs or who practice high-risk leisure activities. With Simy's Outdoor range, Syrlinks makes this technology available to a large audience through products that are easy to use, high-performance, extremely reliable and affordable.

For further information on this system and why Cospas-Sarsat beacons are so interesting, click here.

What happens when the SIMY Outdoor beacon is activated?

simy outdoor emergency beacon working pattern

* once the beacon has been activated, keep it switched on until the rescue teams arrive

free rescue service, simy emergency beacon, simy outdoor distress beacon, hiking, mountaineering


SIMY Outdoor sends out an alert and makes it possible to be rescued in the event of an emergency.

* Simy Outdoor must only be used in the event of an emergency and real danger. Activating the beacon otherwise than in an emergency may lead to fines or a lawsuit against the user who voluntarily triggered a false alarm.

simy outdoor emergency beacon, worldwide coverage, outside activities, rafting, mountain bike, hiking, mountaineering


In the event of an emergency, Simy Outdoor is used to send out an alert and transmit your GPS location to rescue services throughout the world.

Do not take any risks: opt for Simy Outdoor - your safety ally, even outside the 3G/4G network.

no subscription, safety beacon simy outdoor, trekking, trail, climbing


Simy Outdoor does not require a subscription.

Enjoy your leisure activities worry-free.

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